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Chiropractic a Hot topic in the Scientific Literature in 2011

Chiropractic a Hot topic in the Scientific Literature in 2011

The Spine Journal recently announced its most downloaded articles for 2011. Among the “Top 25 Hottest Articles”, 10 include content relating to spinal manipulation, chiropractic, or cervical manipulation. The top ranked paper was entitled “Efficacy of Spinal Manipulation and Mobilization for Low Back Pain and Neck Pain: A Systematic Review and Best Evidence Synthesis.” Chiropractors are the most highly trained and skilled providers of manipulative therapy. The focus in spine care appears to be moving away from surgery and toward conservative treatments, and chiropractic certainly is a hot topic and a leading edge treatment for many people suffering with painful spine conditions. Please visit our website at www.sportandspinebend.com to learn more about chiropractic and spinal manipulation.

Brad Pfeiffer, DC

Chiropractor at Sport & Spine in Bend, Oregon

July 18, 2012
chiropractor near me bend or
Dr. Pfeiffer

Dr. Brad Pfeiffer (chiropractor) has been providing Bend, Oregon residents with professional chiropractic care and rehabilitation services since 1999. Dr. Pfeiffer is a cum laude graduate of the University of Western States (formerly known as Western States Chiropractic College) in Portland, Oregon where he also previously instructed 4th year chiropractic interns at the campus clinic.